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How to make blogger seo friendly - Working Tricks

-:- Best Blog SEO Tips -:-
Blog seo friendly tips

If you have a blog, chances are you already understand the importance of business blogging. But do you know how to optimize your blog posts to make them more search engine friendly?
The truth is, many bloggers fail to take advantage of the enormous marketing potential of their blogs. In fact, a recent study by shows that although roughly 60% of businesses have blogs, 65% of those blog owners haven’t even updated in the past year! By providing fresh, relevant content and performing basic blog post optimization, you can take advantage of the many benefits blogging offers..

Make Your Blog Post SEO Friendly With These Tips :
1. Keyword density is an important aspect for better ranking. Too less will lead to less ranking and stuffing your Keyword will lead to over optimization. I usually maintain a ratio of 2%/post. Though, you can pick keyword density for your Blogpost SEO, account to one which works for you. Publish articles in relevance to post title and include necessary keywords in the post. Never stuff keywords to manipulate search engines. But after finish writing, you can analyze the whole post to find out suitable locations where the keywords can be safely inserted without distracting readers.

2. Do your research. Keyword research is essential for on page optimization. Chances are you are naturally including keywords without realizing it simply by providing valuable content on a topic. However, there are a variety of tools and techniques for finding related keywords relevant to your blog post that you may not have considered. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and both offer great tools that allow you to find keywords related to your topic and even spy on your competition to see what words and phrases they are targeting to bring traffic to their sites.

3. URL Structure
The URL structure for your website/blog should be relevant to the post you are writing as well as easy to remember. While there are conflicting opinions on whether a keyword should be included in the URL or not, if the keyword naturally makes to be present in the URL, there is no harm in including it. All the same, keyword or not, ensure the URL of the web page is understandable.

4. IMAGE NAMES (Before uploading)

This is my one and only tip on this list that isn’t specific to Blogger. This is true no matter what platform you are using.
Google actually looks at your photo titles when searching for keywords in a post, and they are the only thing google looks at when doing image searches. Yes, search engines also look at how you tag those photos.. but we’ll talk about that in #5. If you are uploading your photos and they are labeled “IMG_13849” google is just waiting for someone to search for that term. But I hate to break it to you, nobody is searching for “IMG_13849”
Your image titles should reflect the content they are about. If you are writing a post about painting a chair and have a photo of a chair that is half painted, you could label the photo something like “painting a chair” since that seems like a reasonable thing someone would search for, plus it actually describes what the post and photo are about.

But what do you do if you have LOTS of photos of the same thing? Well, what you don’t do is repeat search terms over and over. Make sure you mix it up. Many people know better than to leave their photos labeled with the IMG labels assigned by their camera, but they still aren’t completely optimizing their images for searchability.
Here is an example of only marginally optimized image labels in a post about Painting a Chair. I see photos labels like this all the time:
  • Paint
  • Chair Before
  • Chair Before 2
  • Painting a Chair
  • Painting a Chair 2
  • Chair After
  • Chair After 2
  • Chair After 3
Do you see a problem here? There are only 3-5 real ‘key words’ in those images: Chair, Paint/Painting, Before, After
Those same images would be much more likely to come up in a larger variety of searches if they were labeled:
  • Can of paint
  • Preparing wooden chair to sand it
  • Sanding chair before painting
  • Painting dining room chair with milk paint
  • Best technique to paint furniture
  • Painted chair Before and after
  • Chair makeover Using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
  • ASCP chair painting tutorial
How many keywords have we used for our images now? We have the same ones as before: Chair, Paint/Painting, Before and After
But now we also have: Preparing, Painted, wooden, sand/sanding, dining room chair, milk paint, technique, Best, furniture, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, makeover, coverage, ASCP, tutorial
And isn’t that what the post is really about? Those image titles make it clear that this a tutorial about Annie Sloan chalk paint and a chair makeover.
Keep in mind when you are diversifying your photos labels, you don’t want to be keyword stuffing, where you throw in any possible related search term you can think of in an unnatural way. The labels should still be organic and actually describe the images. Don’t use titles that are nothing but a list of keywords “Paint painted chair seat sofa wood wooden” Google will catch you!

5. Create No-follow links :
Nofollow is an HTML attribute specified on hyperlinks to block search engine advantage of external links in a website. In Blogger, you can select HTML section of the post window and add rel=”nofollow” attribute just after URL to prevent search engines from crawling a particular link. 

6. Internal Linking

Linking within your website or blog is an important step in ensuring readers spend more time on your website. Also, the internal linking process helps your readers get more information in a single place about a particular topic of interest. Once they realize your blog has a lot to offer related to their area of interest, there is a higher likelihood of them visiting and revisiting your blog. This could also mean they refer your blog or website to their contacts who might be looking for similar information. 
Internal linking also ensures your readers do not stray away from your blog/website.

7. Custom Robot.text
Search engine bots like Googlebot (Web Crawling Robot of Google) needs some guidelines on how they have to crawl and index our blog. We can prevent some non-important pages labels pages from indexing in Google to protect our blog from duplicate content issues.

8. Improve Your Blog Page Loading Time :
If your blog takes lot of time, then visitors will go back and never come back again. It will increase bounce rate of your blog and you’ll lose your valuable traffic. Search engines give more value to fast loading blogs because they want to build best user experience. That’s why it’s very important to optimize blog loading time.

9. Use Paragraphs In Blog Post :
Everybody uses paragraphs, but make sure to use paragraphs that make sense. Do not start a new sentence on a new line, just because it looks nice. There should be a reason for making a new paragraph. Every paragraph should have a main idea or a main subject. Ask yourself what the main idea of each paragraph is. You should be able to grasp that main idea in only one sentence. If you need more sentences, you simply need more paragraphs.

10. Optimize The Length Of Your Blog Content :
Make sure your articles have a minimum of 300 words. Google likes long articles, if your article is too long though, it might scare away users. So try to stop at around 700 words. And, as a general rule of thumb: try to put your search terms in about 1 to 2 percent of your text. So in an article of 300 words, you should mention your search terms 3 to 6 times.

12. Optitimize Your Images : 
There are a number of things to keep in mind when it comes to titles. Google pays particular attention to titles – so make sure you get them right:
  • first make sure that the way you set your blog up puts the title of your post in the ‘title tags’ on the back end of your blog. This is really important.
  • if you’re just looking from an SEO perspective don’t include your blog name in the title tags of single posts. This dilutes your keywords. Of course if you’re looking more at branding including your blog’s name in the title tags might be worth doing.
  • next – include the keywords that you identified in point #2 in your post title
also, keep in mind that the words you use at the start of a title tend to carry more weight than words you use later in your title

11. Clean And Responsive Blog Template:
When you choose a domain name for your blog then choose the best blogger template which is clean and simple. It also user-friendly and mobile friendly too. Because more than 70% traffic comes from mobile phones now a days. So it is important for us to choose responsive blogger template. Make your theme clean and simple as much as you can. Don’t use widgets in sidebar, footer, header which slow down your page loading time speed and your ranking will be drop instantly.

Imdishu is on Google now

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