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How to increase earnings from Adsense A/B Testing

You must have already heard about A / B testing. It collects information about high performance pages, ad units, designs and more. Many case studies show that any kind of design and time to action works, but my brother is different from other blogs. These bloggers have the responsibility to try Adsense A / B Testing _ AdSense A / B on their blog. When it comes to Google AdSense, we face many challenges and questions:

1) - What kind of ad format would work best for image, text or image / text?
2) - Should keep the bind of the AD unit or delete it?
 3) - Which place would a good piece of ad unit?
4) - Or there are many such questions whose answers differ for different sites.

And, to know the answer, Split Testing _ Split Testing has to be done. This means that the color of the AD unit should be changed and its style should be tested.
Knowing the Best Ad Unit from Adsense A/B Testing
How to test ads in AdSense , AdSense ads experiment

A few days ago, the option has come to the AdSense Dashboard, so that you can make AdSense A / B testing without making any changes to the ad code. This new feature can be used for pre-made or newly created ad units. Through this, you can test differently for the Ad Unit. This will give you the best performing add unit Let's know how this test works:

Click the Optimization tab in the AdSense Dashboard. Under this you will get the option of experiments, where you can start a new experiment.

By placing this Experiment name, choose an Ad Unit and Experiment Setting. If you want to compare between Image and Text Ad, then select the option you want from drop down. After this, start the A / B test by clicking on the Create button.

Similarly, you can also test for Text Ad Style. Under the Variation option below, you can set the color, borders, and format of the ad unit. By making this change in the existing unit, you can do A / B testing with the real ad unit. This will help you to know which / what type of ad unit is giving good earnings.

Allow and Block Experiment :
As you may know, advertisements for any category can now be closed on the site. You can see these categories as General and Sensitive on the Google Dashboard. All categories will be found under Allow & Block Ads.

AdSense A / B Testing Importance :
If you want Adsense to be the main source of your earnings, then you should not ignore AdSense A / B testing. You should not forget that, which is best for a blogger, it is not a guarantee of the best for you. So you should run an experiment to find out which ad unit in which colors can make more clicks from your readers. After getting the correct variation, you will get more CTR and you will be able to earn several times from the same ad unit.

AdRotate Pluging (for WordPress users) work for this, if you want to do A / B testing of two different types of AD units. Which lets you see and experiment with ads of different sizes on the same spot. This makes you aware of the right ad site for that spot.

How much benefits have you received from AdSense A/B testing, please share this with your friends and follow us on social networks and subscribe us. 

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