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Steve job's last words - The Massage To World

Steve Jobs's last words -
Steve jobs kon tha , who was Steve jobs  , Steve jobs ki jankari , Steve jobs kya hai

Read here : Biography of Steve jobs
"There was a time when I had touched the height of the business world. A large sample of my life was successful in the eyes of people. But seeing myself very sick and lying on this bed today, I am feeling a bit weird.

Throughout life I worked hard, but it is not necessary to make myself happy or to take time for myself. When I got success, I felt very proud, but now that all the achievements are faded by reaching so close to death today.

Today in this darkness, I am surrounded by these machines. I can feel the God of death very close to me.

Today, the same thing comes to mind that when it starts to feel that it has earned enough money for its future, then it should take time for its own. And not wanting to earn money, we should start living for ourselves.

You must meet some of your old desires. Any incomplete hobbies of childhood, no desire for youth or anything else that can comfort the heart. You should spend time with someone whom you can be happy and able to achieve the same in change.

Because I can not take the money that I earned all the life I earned. If I can take something, then they are memories. These memories are our 'richness', through which we can get relief from death.

Because these memories and love associated with them are the only things that can go with you after traveling miles. You can take it wherever you want. They can give you as much as you want at the height. Because these are only your rights.

I can feel a lot at this juncture of life. If there is one of the most expensive things in life, then it is probably a 'death bed'. Because you can make someone a driver of your car by throwing money. All the wishes of the servant-servant can be used for his service. But after coming to this Death Bar, someone can love you with love, serve you, you can not buy this thing with money.

Today I can say that why we should not be at any other point of life, to make it beautiful till the end we need people's support. Money can not give us everything

My request is that most of you love your family, spend time with them, do not waste this precious treasure. Love yourself too "

Some quotes by Steve jobs the founder of apple company inc.
 1) Life is sometimes beaten by bricks on your head, but do not lose your faith.
- Steve Jobs

2) Interesting ideas and innovation in the company of new technology which are looking for new searches for years, all this requires a lot of discipline.
- Steve Jobs

3) If you actually look very closely, you will find that most of the successes you have received overnight have taken a lot of time.
- Steve Jobs

4) You can not tell it to the customer what they want, and then they make them, they will want something new as long as you make it.

- Steve Jobs
I have seen in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today is the last day of my life, would I want to do today?" And when the answer is "No" for too many days In a row

More from Steve jobs : Biography of Steve jobs

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